Regulator Variance, normal variance, and standard deviation.

Melanie Zeppel
Oct 12, 2021

This is the formula for regulator variance:

The difference is dividing by (n-1).

Typical sample variance is calculated using the following formula:

Thus, typical variance is standard deviation squared. Note that population variance might be estimated by dividing by n not (n-1)

Variance = (standard deviation ) ^ 2

And thus, Standard deviation = sqrt(variance).

Therefore to estimate Regulator variance from Typical variance:

  1. divide by n.

To estimate Regulator variance from standard deviation:

  1. square the std dev
  2. divide by n



Melanie Zeppel

Women in AI: Agribusiness winner - 2022 Superstar of STEM 2022-2023 Scopus Sustainability Researcher of the Year - 2019